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点击次数: 更新时间:2024-02-17 09:14:15






A dog can be a person’s best friend, or so the theory goes. But that relationship can be tested when a dog begins barking at an empty corner of a room, at a door, or anywhere where there doesn’t appear to be any activity at all taking place. Is the dog hallucinating? Is it communicating with interdimensional beings? Or does it simply want to drive its owner to the brink of sanity?



According to the American Kennel Club, the most common explanation for unprompted woofing is that it’s not really unprompted at all. Instead, it’s likely that humans are simply unable to perceive whatever visual, aural, or olfactory cues the dog is sensing.



Dogs are, obviously, equipped with superior hearing, including the ability to detect sounds that are higher in pitch. In theory, a dog could be reacting to a noise that a person nearby wouldn’t be able to hear—possibly a far-off vehicle siren.



If a dog barks seemingly unprovoked at night, it might be because ambient noise is lessened and they’re more attuned to the various howling and barking of other dogs. Because dogs are territorial, one dog barking can turn into many.



Dogs are also able to see better in the dark than humans thanks to their ability to get more light into their retinas. If a dog is reacting to what looks to you like an empty backyard at night, it’s possible that something has caught their attention, be it a wild animal, a leaf, or a serial killer.



That’s not to say that dogs only bark when their canine senses are triggered. Some dogs might bark spontaneously out of boredom, in which case more exercise or playtime is probably needed. They might also be trying to get their owner’s attention.



The AKC recommends that owners avoid scolding their dogs for barking, since they’re simply trying to remain vigilant. Instead, you can try reassuring the dog to let them know you’re aware of their concern. If they tend to bark while gazing out a window, you can also try to manage their vantage point with curtains. If you suspect the source is an audio cue, some white noise, like a television or radio, can help.



Less often, chronic barking might be a sign of cognitive issues. If barking is persistent and no fugitive is hiding out in your bushes, then you might consider a trip to the vet.



英文来源:Mental Floss



图文来源:新华网、Variety、索尼影业、央视网 、每日经济新闻、 极目新闻、 红星新闻、 工人日报、福克斯新闻网、新浪、观察者网、卫报、BBC、sciencealert、 Pixar、Paramount Pictures、Sony、Warner Bros、Lucasfilm、Twitter、BBC、新华社、雅虎新闻、Oddity Central、纽约邮报、CBS新闻、美国有线电视新闻网、Unsplash、Pexels、中国日报等综合整理,新闻资讯均转载自其它媒体,目的在于传播更多信息,其他媒体如需转载,请与稿件来源方联系,如产生任何问题与本网无关;本网所发布的内容,图片,音乐,电影等片段,版权归原作者所有,仅供学习与研究,如果侵权,请提供版权证明,以便尽快删除。


点击次数: 更新时间:2024-02-17 09:14:15






A dog can be a person’s best friend, or so the theory goes. But that relationship can be tested when a dog begins barking at an empty corner of a room, at a door, or anywhere where there doesn’t appear to be any activity at all taking place. Is the dog hallucinating? Is it communicating with interdimensional beings? Or does it simply want to drive its owner to the brink of sanity?



According to the American Kennel Club, the most common explanation for unprompted woofing is that it’s not really unprompted at all. Instead, it’s likely that humans are simply unable to perceive whatever visual, aural, or olfactory cues the dog is sensing.



Dogs are, obviously, equipped with superior hearing, including the ability to detect sounds that are higher in pitch. In theory, a dog could be reacting to a noise that a person nearby wouldn’t be able to hear—possibly a far-off vehicle siren.



If a dog barks seemingly unprovoked at night, it might be because ambient noise is lessened and they’re more attuned to the various howling and barking of other dogs. Because dogs are territorial, one dog barking can turn into many.



Dogs are also able to see better in the dark than humans thanks to their ability to get more light into their retinas. If a dog is reacting to what looks to you like an empty backyard at night, it’s possible that something has caught their attention, be it a wild animal, a leaf, or a serial killer.



That’s not to say that dogs only bark when their canine senses are triggered. Some dogs might bark spontaneously out of boredom, in which case more exercise or playtime is probably needed. They might also be trying to get their owner’s attention.



The AKC recommends that owners avoid scolding their dogs for barking, since they’re simply trying to remain vigilant. Instead, you can try reassuring the dog to let them know you’re aware of their concern. If they tend to bark while gazing out a window, you can also try to manage their vantage point with curtains. If you suspect the source is an audio cue, some white noise, like a television or radio, can help.



Less often, chronic barking might be a sign of cognitive issues. If barking is persistent and no fugitive is hiding out in your bushes, then you might consider a trip to the vet.



英文来源:Mental Floss



图文来源:新华网、Variety、索尼影业、央视网 、每日经济新闻、 极目新闻、 红星新闻、 工人日报、福克斯新闻网、新浪、观察者网、卫报、BBC、sciencealert、 Pixar、Paramount Pictures、Sony、Warner Bros、Lucasfilm、Twitter、BBC、新华社、雅虎新闻、Oddity Central、纽约邮报、CBS新闻、美国有线电视新闻网、Unsplash、Pexels、中国日报等综合整理,新闻资讯均转载自其它媒体,目的在于传播更多信息,其他媒体如需转载,请与稿件来源方联系,如产生任何问题与本网无关;本网所发布的内容,图片,音乐,电影等片段,版权归原作者所有,仅供学习与研究,如果侵权,请提供版权证明,以便尽快删除。

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