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点击次数: 更新时间:2024-04-25 09:44:38



一项新研究显示,水牛鱼格外长寿且它们在八九十岁时身体状态最好。钓鱼爱好者斯图尔特·布莱克(Stuart Black)钓过很多鱼,但他2019年在亚利桑那州的阿帕契湖钓到他的第一条水牛鱼时,他预感这是件特别的事。事实证明,他的直觉是正确的。

Scientists recently confirmed that the majority of the buffalofish swimming around this remote desert lake in eastern Arizona are older than a hundred.

The discovery builds on other recent research that has upended beliefs about the little-studied buffalofish, a genus of five freshwater fish species native to North America.

Just a few years ago, scientists thought that these fish, which come in an array of colors from chestnut brown to bluish, only lived into their mid-20s. However, a 2019 study revealed that bigmouth buffalofish could live up to 112 years old, making it the oldest known freshwater teleost, a group of about 12,000 ray-finned fish species found worldwide. Then in January, researchers announced the discovery of a 127-year-old bigmouth in Saskatchewan, Canada.

Now, the new study, published recently in Scientific Reports, confirmed that two more buffalofish species—the smallmouth buffalo and the black buffalo—can live more than a hundred years, making it the only known genus of animal besides the marine rockfish, Sebastes, that has three centenarian species.

For the Arizona study, a few dozen anglers, including Black, caught 222 buffalofish at Apache Lake from July 2018 to July 2023. Twenty three were humanely euthanized and donated to the research team, who estimated the fishes’ ages by removing and analyzing tiny ear stones called otoliths. These calcium carbonate structures, which allow fish to hear and sense vibrations in the water, form a new layer each year that can be read somewhat like tree rings.

The otolith analysis revealed that about 90 percent of Apache Lake’s buffalofishes were more than 85 years old. Researchers aged individuals of all three species studied there—smallmouth buffalo, bigmouth buffalo, and black buffalo—past a hundred years old.

Greenland sharks have the greatest longevity of any living vertebrate, reaching at least 250 years old.

What’s more, research has revealed that buffalofish continue to live their best lives into their upper 80s and 90s, with better stress response and immune function relative to younger individuals.

“The one takeaway is that buffalofishes do not conform to preconceived notions,” says study leader Alec Lackmann, a fish expert at the University of Minnesota. “They defy expectations.”

Buffalofish can go decades between successful reproductions because they require very specific environmental conditions—most of which are still unknown—to procreate. That’s why the fish evolved to live so long: It’s an evolutionary adaptation to account for long periods without breeding, according to Lackmann.
水牛鱼的成功繁殖间隔可达数十年之久,这是因为它们需要非常特殊的环境条件才能繁殖,而其中大部分条件至今仍不为人所知。这就是水牛鱼进化得如此长寿的原因: 拉克曼认为,水牛鱼长时间不繁殖是一种进化适应。

In Saskatchewan, where buffalofish can go up to 50 years without producing offspring, the fish only attempt to spawn within a narrow range of water-level fluctuations that may rarely occur.
在萨斯喀斯温省,水牛鱼可以长达 50 年不产后代,这种鱼只试图在狭窄水位波动范围内产卵,而这种情况可能很少发生。

Lackmann says further studies into buffalofish longevity could provide insight into how vertebrates, including humans, can live longer. 

“One of the major outstanding questions about the buffalofishes is how they do it in terms of their amazing longevity. What is their fountain of youth?”

One strategy may be understanding why older buffalofish are less stressed and have stronger immunity than younger fish, which was confirmed in a 2021 study on bigmouth buffalofish.

Older individuals could fight off bacteria better than younger animals. Not only that, the elderly fish had a lower ratio of neutrophils to lymphocytes in the blood, an indication of lower stress levels.

“They are still advancing into prime condition at a century old, which is astonishing,” Lackmann says.




图文来源:新华网、Variety、索尼影业、央视网 、每日经济新闻、 极目新闻、 红星新闻、 工人日报、福克斯新闻网、新浪、观察者网、卫报、BBC、sciencealert、 Pixar、Paramount Pictures、Sony、Warner Bros、Lucasfilm、Twitter、BBC、新华社、雅虎新闻、Oddity Central、纽约邮报、CBS新闻、美国有线电视新闻网、Unsplash、Pexels、中国日报等综合整理,新闻资讯均转载自其它媒体,目的在于传播更多信息,其他媒体如需转载,请与稿件来源方联系,如产生任何问题与本网无关;本网所发布的内容,图片,音乐,电影等片段,版权归原作者所有,仅供学习与研究,如果侵权,请提供版权证明,以便尽快删除。


点击次数: 更新时间:2024-04-25 09:44:38



一项新研究显示,水牛鱼格外长寿且它们在八九十岁时身体状态最好。钓鱼爱好者斯图尔特·布莱克(Stuart Black)钓过很多鱼,但他2019年在亚利桑那州的阿帕契湖钓到他的第一条水牛鱼时,他预感这是件特别的事。事实证明,他的直觉是正确的。

Scientists recently confirmed that the majority of the buffalofish swimming around this remote desert lake in eastern Arizona are older than a hundred.

The discovery builds on other recent research that has upended beliefs about the little-studied buffalofish, a genus of five freshwater fish species native to North America.

Just a few years ago, scientists thought that these fish, which come in an array of colors from chestnut brown to bluish, only lived into their mid-20s. However, a 2019 study revealed that bigmouth buffalofish could live up to 112 years old, making it the oldest known freshwater teleost, a group of about 12,000 ray-finned fish species found worldwide. Then in January, researchers announced the discovery of a 127-year-old bigmouth in Saskatchewan, Canada.

Now, the new study, published recently in Scientific Reports, confirmed that two more buffalofish species—the smallmouth buffalo and the black buffalo—can live more than a hundred years, making it the only known genus of animal besides the marine rockfish, Sebastes, that has three centenarian species.

For the Arizona study, a few dozen anglers, including Black, caught 222 buffalofish at Apache Lake from July 2018 to July 2023. Twenty three were humanely euthanized and donated to the research team, who estimated the fishes’ ages by removing and analyzing tiny ear stones called otoliths. These calcium carbonate structures, which allow fish to hear and sense vibrations in the water, form a new layer each year that can be read somewhat like tree rings.

The otolith analysis revealed that about 90 percent of Apache Lake’s buffalofishes were more than 85 years old. Researchers aged individuals of all three species studied there—smallmouth buffalo, bigmouth buffalo, and black buffalo—past a hundred years old.

Greenland sharks have the greatest longevity of any living vertebrate, reaching at least 250 years old.

What’s more, research has revealed that buffalofish continue to live their best lives into their upper 80s and 90s, with better stress response and immune function relative to younger individuals.

“The one takeaway is that buffalofishes do not conform to preconceived notions,” says study leader Alec Lackmann, a fish expert at the University of Minnesota. “They defy expectations.”

Buffalofish can go decades between successful reproductions because they require very specific environmental conditions—most of which are still unknown—to procreate. That’s why the fish evolved to live so long: It’s an evolutionary adaptation to account for long periods without breeding, according to Lackmann.
水牛鱼的成功繁殖间隔可达数十年之久,这是因为它们需要非常特殊的环境条件才能繁殖,而其中大部分条件至今仍不为人所知。这就是水牛鱼进化得如此长寿的原因: 拉克曼认为,水牛鱼长时间不繁殖是一种进化适应。

In Saskatchewan, where buffalofish can go up to 50 years without producing offspring, the fish only attempt to spawn within a narrow range of water-level fluctuations that may rarely occur.
在萨斯喀斯温省,水牛鱼可以长达 50 年不产后代,这种鱼只试图在狭窄水位波动范围内产卵,而这种情况可能很少发生。

Lackmann says further studies into buffalofish longevity could provide insight into how vertebrates, including humans, can live longer. 

“One of the major outstanding questions about the buffalofishes is how they do it in terms of their amazing longevity. What is their fountain of youth?”

One strategy may be understanding why older buffalofish are less stressed and have stronger immunity than younger fish, which was confirmed in a 2021 study on bigmouth buffalofish.

Older individuals could fight off bacteria better than younger animals. Not only that, the elderly fish had a lower ratio of neutrophils to lymphocytes in the blood, an indication of lower stress levels.

“They are still advancing into prime condition at a century old, which is astonishing,” Lackmann says.




图文来源:新华网、Variety、索尼影业、央视网 、每日经济新闻、 极目新闻、 红星新闻、 工人日报、福克斯新闻网、新浪、观察者网、卫报、BBC、sciencealert、 Pixar、Paramount Pictures、Sony、Warner Bros、Lucasfilm、Twitter、BBC、新华社、雅虎新闻、Oddity Central、纽约邮报、CBS新闻、美国有线电视新闻网、Unsplash、Pexels、中国日报等综合整理,新闻资讯均转载自其它媒体,目的在于传播更多信息,其他媒体如需转载,请与稿件来源方联系,如产生任何问题与本网无关;本网所发布的内容,图片,音乐,电影等片段,版权归原作者所有,仅供学习与研究,如果侵权,请提供版权证明,以便尽快删除。

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