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难以置信!用二氧化碳和氢气就能造出黄油 而且味道还不错

点击次数: 更新时间:2024-07-29 10:04:15




Credit: Savor


Savor, a California-based startup backed by legendary businessman Bill Gates, has come up with a method of producing butter-like fat out of just carbon dioxide and hydrogen.


Starting from the idea that all fats are composed of chains of carbon and hydrogen atoms, Savor patented a thermochemical process to build fat molecules and then produce dairy-free alternatives to products like milk, butter, cheese, and ice cream that not only have the same texture as the real thing but also taste the same. This process doesn’t release any greenhouse gases, and it uses no farmland and less than a thousandth of the water that traditional agriculture does, so this synthesized fat has a much lower carbon footprint than real animal fat. So far, taste tests have shown that Savor’s alternative to butter has an almost indistinguishable flavor from the real thing, but the company still has a lot of challenges to overcome before bringing it to market.


"We are currently pre-commercial and working through regulatory approval to be able to sell our butter,” Kathleen Alexander, CEO of Savor, said. “We are not expecting to be able to move forward with any kind of sales until at least 2025.”


In a recent blog post, Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates explained that Savor has a real shot of coming up with a successful butter alternative, because their version “tastes really good – like the real thing, because chemically it is.”


Gates wrote: “They ultimately developed a process that involves taking carbon dioxide from the air and hydrogen from water, heating them up, and oxidizing them to trigger the separation of fatty acids and then the formulation of fat.”


The tech billionaire also highlighted the importance of animal food alternatives like Savor’s version of butter in reducing our carbon footprint. The livestock industry contributes 14.5 percent of global greenhouse emissions, and with human population on the rise, emissions are also expected to go up, unless we do something about it.


"The big challenge is to drive down the price so that products like Savor’s become affordable to the masses – either the same cost as animal fats or less,” Gates wrote.


CO2 and hydrogen-synthesized butter is apparently just the beginning. Savor has plans to make milk, cheese, and ice cream, among others, in the not-so-distant future.


英文来源:Oddity Central



图文来源:新华网、Variety、索尼影业、央视网 、每日经济新闻、 极目新闻、 红星新闻、 工人日报、福克斯新闻网、新浪、观察者网、卫报、BBC、sciencealert、 Pixar、Paramount Pictures、Sony、Warner Bros、Lucasfilm、Twitter、BBC、新华社、雅虎新闻、Oddity Central、纽约邮报、CBS新闻、美国有线电视新闻网、Unsplash、Pexels、中国日报等综合整理,新闻资讯均转载自其它媒体,目的在于传播更多信息,其他媒体如需转载,请与稿件来源方联系,如产生任何问题与本网无关;本网所发布的内容,图片,音乐,电影等片段,版权归原作者所有,仅供学习与研究,如果侵权,请提供版权证明,以便尽快删除。

难以置信!用二氧化碳和氢气就能造出黄油 而且味道还不错

点击次数: 更新时间:2024-07-29 10:04:15




Credit: Savor


Savor, a California-based startup backed by legendary businessman Bill Gates, has come up with a method of producing butter-like fat out of just carbon dioxide and hydrogen.


Starting from the idea that all fats are composed of chains of carbon and hydrogen atoms, Savor patented a thermochemical process to build fat molecules and then produce dairy-free alternatives to products like milk, butter, cheese, and ice cream that not only have the same texture as the real thing but also taste the same. This process doesn’t release any greenhouse gases, and it uses no farmland and less than a thousandth of the water that traditional agriculture does, so this synthesized fat has a much lower carbon footprint than real animal fat. So far, taste tests have shown that Savor’s alternative to butter has an almost indistinguishable flavor from the real thing, but the company still has a lot of challenges to overcome before bringing it to market.


"We are currently pre-commercial and working through regulatory approval to be able to sell our butter,” Kathleen Alexander, CEO of Savor, said. “We are not expecting to be able to move forward with any kind of sales until at least 2025.”


In a recent blog post, Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates explained that Savor has a real shot of coming up with a successful butter alternative, because their version “tastes really good – like the real thing, because chemically it is.”


Gates wrote: “They ultimately developed a process that involves taking carbon dioxide from the air and hydrogen from water, heating them up, and oxidizing them to trigger the separation of fatty acids and then the formulation of fat.”


The tech billionaire also highlighted the importance of animal food alternatives like Savor’s version of butter in reducing our carbon footprint. The livestock industry contributes 14.5 percent of global greenhouse emissions, and with human population on the rise, emissions are also expected to go up, unless we do something about it.


"The big challenge is to drive down the price so that products like Savor’s become affordable to the masses – either the same cost as animal fats or less,” Gates wrote.


CO2 and hydrogen-synthesized butter is apparently just the beginning. Savor has plans to make milk, cheese, and ice cream, among others, in the not-so-distant future.


英文来源:Oddity Central



图文来源:新华网、Variety、索尼影业、央视网 、每日经济新闻、 极目新闻、 红星新闻、 工人日报、福克斯新闻网、新浪、观察者网、卫报、BBC、sciencealert、 Pixar、Paramount Pictures、Sony、Warner Bros、Lucasfilm、Twitter、BBC、新华社、雅虎新闻、Oddity Central、纽约邮报、CBS新闻、美国有线电视新闻网、Unsplash、Pexels、中国日报等综合整理,新闻资讯均转载自其它媒体,目的在于传播更多信息,其他媒体如需转载,请与稿件来源方联系,如产生任何问题与本网无关;本网所发布的内容,图片,音乐,电影等片段,版权归原作者所有,仅供学习与研究,如果侵权,请提供版权证明,以便尽快删除。

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